Sojourner’s House is DVRC’s newest component of the supportive Housing Services program.
In July 2019, DVRC partnered with Washington County to offer survivors of domestic violence access to Washington County’s COC voucher program with wraparound domestic violence case management.
Sojourner’s House is a scattered-site independent living two year voucher program in Washington County. The current capacity of this innovative program provides support for 30 Head of Housholds and their families.
The program model is a partnership between DVRC and Washington County that provides 24-months of rental assistance, case management, housing advocacy services, and flexible client service funds. DVRC provides not only case management services to survivors who are enrolled in the Sojourner’s House program, but also the full continuum of support services that are available through DVRC to survivors in Washington County. These services include safety planning, counseling, advocacy, Rent Well classes, workforce development services, and more.
Sojourner’s House Shelter Availability
Currently full. Waitlist open.
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